Project Parade - Part 1

Friday, November 22, 2019 - 1:00pm to 1:15pm

Legacy Ballroom

Session Description

The "Project Parade" is an opportunity where citizen science projects can simply build awareness of their project for the cit sci community. They will explore individual projects' origins, research question, general protocols, and progress to date. These talks will be in the format of Ignite Talks - fun and fast-paced, these presenters will be speaking for about 5 minutes each with slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds. 


Presenter: Caitlin Potter, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator

Abstract:The U of M's Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve hosts a variety of citizen science projects studying a wide range of topics. Opportunities to contribute both online and in-person have helped grow our programs to now reach more than 5000 participants annually! Learn about Cedar Creek's project portfolio and research results so far.

Presenter Bio: Caitlin holds a B.S in Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology from the University of California at Davis, and an M.A. and Ph.D in Ecology and Evolution at Princeton University. She runs the public programs at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, which includes K-12 field trips and in-school programs, adult learning opportunities, guided tours and more. Her favorite aspect of her job, however, is managing Cedar Creek's growing citizen science opportunities (particularly those related to wildlife and animal behavior)!

Citizen Scientists Help Revive Bluebird Populations

Presenter: David Schmidt, Bluebird Recovery Program County Coordinator

Abstract: Hundreds of citizens, installing, monitoring and reporting on thousands of bluebird nest boxes throughout the upper Midwest for forty years have made a difference and continue today.

Presenter Bio: David Schmidt is a Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer/instructor and Bluebird Recovery Program MN county coordinator.

Click here to view the afternoon portion of the Project Parade